Home News Helldivers 2: Best Loadouts for the Illuminate

Helldivers 2: Best Loadouts for the Illuminate

Author : Skylar Mar 22,2025

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The Illuminate in Helldivers 2 are a tough nut to crack. Their advanced tech and overwhelming numbers make them a serious threat. While you're battling their light infantry, their elite units will be swarming you from all directions. Success hinges on smart loadouts that exploit their weaknesses while mitigating their strengths. The key is finding the right balance of weapons and stratagems to handle both their lighter and heavier units—neglecting either will leave you vulnerable.

This guide outlines top-tier loadouts for tackling the Illuminate, whether you're a veteran or just starting out. Let's dive in and prepare for battle!

The Laser Cannon Loadout: Melting the Illuminate

PrimaryPLAS-1 Scorcher / PLAS-101 Purifier
SecondaryGP-31 Grenade Pistol
GrenadeG-13 Incendiary Impact
Armor PassiveSiege-Ready
StratagemsLAS-98 Laser Cannon (Support), AX/AR-23 "Guard Dog", Eagle Strafing Run, A/MG-43 Machine Gun Sentry / Orbital Laser

The PLAS-101 Purifier and PLAS-1 Scorcher are top-tier primaries, decimating Overseers (including the airborne ones) and Voteless alike. Siege-Ready's extra ammo and quick reloads ensure you're always ready for multiple targets. The increased DPS is invaluable when every shot counts.

The GP-31 Grenade Pistol and Eagle Strafing Run make short work of warp ships. Energy weapons struggle against their shields, but a Strafing Run obliterates them, leaving the grenade pistol to finish them off. This is especially useful against larger Illuminate nests. While the G-13 Incendiary Impact is great for clearing chaff, reserve it for when the Grenade Pistol isn't ideal.

The AX/AR-23 "Guard Dog" surprisingly excels against medium-armored Overseers, taking down single elites efficiently. It's a great flanking tool.

The A/MG-43 Machine Gun Sentry provides excellent area denial for objective defense. If crowd control isn't paramount, swap it for the Orbital Laser to target Harvesters or future heavy units.

Finally, the LAS-98 Laser Cannon is the loadout's centerpiece. It melts Overseers and chaff, and is incredibly effective against Harvesters (use a Strafing Run to break their shields first, then target their weak points). Its long range allows for picking off targets from afar. A single clip is usually enough with accurate aim. On higher difficulties (levels 9 and 10) where multiple Harvesters are common, the Orbital Laser becomes essential.

The Lightning Loadout: Shocking (& Staggering) the Illuminate

PrimaryARC-12 Blitzer
SecondaryGP-31 Grenade Pistol
GrenadeG-13 Incendiary Impact
Armor PassiveElectrical Conduit / Med-Kit
StratagemsARC-3 Arc Thrower (Support), Orbital Railcannon Strike / Orbital Laser, Eagle Strafing Run, A/ARC-3 Tesla Tower

The Illuminate's mix of melee and ranged units makes the ARC-12 Blitzer and ARC-3 Arc Thrower a powerful combination. Both handle chaff well, but the Arc Thrower excels at neutralizing Overseers, stunning them with chained lightning strikes. Repeated strikes can perma-stun airborne Overseers. The Arc Thrower can also damage unshielded Harvesters, albeit slowly.

The A/ARC-3 Tesla Tower is highly effective against all Illuminate types, especially flying Overseers, providing consistent crowd control and disruption. Combined with the Arc Thrower, you have a powerful area-denial strategy. Prioritize targeting key enemies with the Arc Thrower to prevent them from destroying your tower. Remember that Harvesters often target sentries first, so don't waste your Tesla Tower or other sentries if they're engaged.

The Eagle Strafing Run and Grenade Pistol are still essential for warp ship destruction, as the Blitzer and Arc Thrower aren't efficient against their shields. Don't swap these unless a teammate can handle warp ship takedowns.

For heavy units, the Orbital Railcannon Strike is excellent due to its unlimited uses. The Orbital Laser is also effective against multiple Harvesters, but its limited uses might leave you relying on teammates later in the fight. Remember to use a Strafing Run to disable their shields first. This loadout is exceptionally powerful, especially in coordinated teams.

The Machine Gun Loadout: Shredding the Illuminate

PrimaryStA-52 Assault Rifle
SecondaryGP-31 Grenade Pistol / CQC-19 Stun Lance
GrenadeG-13 Incendiary Impact
Armor PassivePeak Physique / Engineering Kit
StratagemsMG-43 Machine Gun (Support), LIFT-850 Jump Pack, Orbital Railcannon Strike / Orbital Laser, A/MG-43 Machine Gun Sentry / A/G-16 Gatling Sentry

The MG-43 Machine Gun is incredibly versatile against the Illuminate. It shreds light and medium units and is effective against Harvesters. Compared to the MG-206, it's easier to handle and clears infantry faster. It's a true all-rounder. Pair it with the Engineering Kit for reduced recoil or Peak Physique to reduce drag when targeting airborne enemies. Its high fire rate is also useful for stripping shields from warp ships, negating the need for the Eagle Strafing Run in this build. Choose either of the turret sentries to handle crowds or defend objectives.

The Machine Gun's only weakness is its stationary reload. This is where the LIFT-850 Jump Pack shines, allowing for quick repositioning.

While the Machine Gun handles Harvesters well (aim for weak points), an Orbital stratagem is still advisable for multiple heavy units. The Orbital Laser is great against several shielded Harvesters, while the Railcannon Strike is best against unshielded ones.

For the primary weapon, the StA-52 Assault Rifle (from the Killzone crossover) is a strong choice, offering sustained, light-armor-penetrating fire comparable to the Liberator.