Casa Notizia Black Ops 6 e Warzone: come sbloccare tutti i camos e gli allegati AMR Mod 4

Black Ops 6 e Warzone: come sbloccare tutti i camos e gli allegati AMR Mod 4

Autore : Skylar Feb 26,2025

Sbloccare l'AMR Mod 4: una guida completa a Camos e allegati in Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 e Warzone

Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 e Warzone presentano ai giocatori con una miscela elettrizzante di intenso multiplayer 6v6 e la profondità strategica della rinascita della Warzone. Oltre all'azione, entrambi i giochi offrono una vasta gamma di contenuti sbloccabili, incluso il fucile da cecchino AMR Mod 4 e la sua vasta gamma di camos e attaccamenti. Questa guida descrive in dettaglio come acquisire ogni camo e allegato per l'AMR Mod 4.

AMR Mod 4 Camos

L'AMR Mod 4 vanta una vasta gamma di CAMOS, classificati in set multiplayer, zombi e warzone, ognuno con i suoi requisiti di sblocco unici. La padronanza dei camos viene guadagnata completando sfide specifiche all'interno di ciascuna categoria.

Camos multiplayer

Multiplayer Camos

Camo TypeCamo NameUnlock Method
Military CamosGranite5 headshot kills
Woodland10 headshot kills
Savanna15 headshot kills
Splinter20 headshot kills
Moss30 headshot kills
Saboteur40 headshot kills
Digital50 headshot kills
Tide75 headshot kills
Red Tiger100 headshot kills
Special CamosShadow ThornUnlock all Military Camos; 30 one-shot kills
Tidal HarmonyUnlock all Military Camos; 10 two-kill no reloads
Mastery CamosGoldUnlock all Multiplayer Special Camos; 10 double kills
DiamondUnlock Gold; Unlock Gold on 3 other Sniper Rifles; 10 three-kill no deaths
Dark SpineUnlock Diamond; Unlock Diamond on 33 other weapons; 3 triple kills
Dark MatterUnlock Dark Spine; Unlock Dark Spine on 33 other weapons; 5 five-kill no deaths

Zombies Camos

Zombies Camos

Camo TypeCamo NameUnlock Method
Military CamosSlate100 critical kills
Desert200 critical kills
Evergreen300 critical kills
Rugged400 critical kills
Grim600 critical kills
Stripe800 critical kills
Oceanic1000 critical kills
Whiteout1500 critical kills
Purple Tiger2000 critical kills
Special CamosScarthornUnlock all Military Camos; 15 five-rapid critical kills
Marine SwirlUnlock all Military Camos; 15 ten-kill no reloads
Mastery CamosMystic GoldUnlock both Special Camos; 15 ten-kill rapid
OpalUnlock Mystic Gold; Unlock Mystic Gold on 2 other Sniper Rifles; 30 Special Zombie kills
AfterlifeUnlock Opal; Unlock Opal on 33 other weapons; 10 twenty-kill no damage
NebulaUnlock Afterlife; Unlock Afterlife on 33 other weapons; 10 Elite Zombie eliminations

Warzone Camos

Warzone Camos

Camo TypeCamo NameUnlock Method
Military CamosQuartz5 kills
Tundra10 kills
Canyon15 kills
Pine20 kills
Undergrowth30 kills
Snakeskin40 kills
Siberia50 kills
Smolder75 kills
Blue Tiger100 kills
Special CamosBramblethornUnlock all Military Camos; 5 two-kill within 30 seconds
Sunlit ShoalUnlock all Military Camos; 5 two-kill prone within 20 seconds
Mastery CamosGold TigerUnlock both Special Camos; 5 Most Wanted eliminations
King's RansomUnlock Gold Tiger; Unlock Gold Tiger on 3 other Sniper Rifles; 5 three-kill no deaths
CatalystUnlock King's Ransom; Unlock King's Ransom on 33 other weapons; 5 kills with stunned enemies
AbyssUnlock Catalyst; Unlock Catalyst on 33 other weapons; 2 five-kill no deaths

Amr Mod 4 Allegati

AMR Mod 4 Attachments

L'AMR Mod 4 offre una vasta gamma di allegati, per lo più sbloccato attraverso la progressione del livello delle armi. Alcune ottiche sono condivise e sbloccate attraverso la progressione a livello di altre armi.



Iron SightImproved Aim Down Sight Speed
Kepler MicroflexImproved Aim Down Sight SpeedMedium Sniper Scope Glint
PrismaTech ReflexImproved Aim Down Sight SpeedMedium Sniper Scope Glint
Redwell ReflexImproved Aim Down Sight SpeedMedium Sniper Scope Glint
K&S Red DotImproved Aim Down Sight SpeedLarge Sniper Scope Glint
Kepler Red DotImproved Aim Down Sight SpeedLarge Sniper Scope Glint
OM3 '92 Holo1.5x Magnification; Improved Aim Down Sight SpeedLarge Sniper Scope Glint
ACCU-Spot Ultra Holo3x Magnification; Large Sniper Scope Glint
Willis 3x3x Magnification; Large Sniper Scope Glint
PrismaTech 4x4x Magnification; Large Sniper Scope Glint
Dobrych 4x4x Magnification; Large Sniper Scope Glint
K&S Thermal Holo1.5x Magnification; Thermal Target IdentificationLarge Sniper Scope Glint
Pinpoint HybridDual Optics Toggle; 4.5x MagnificationLarge Sniper Scope Glint
PrismaPoint HybridDual Optics Toggle; 4.5x MagnificationLarge Sniper Scope Glint
R&K Multizoom3x & 7x Magnification; Large Sniper Scope Glint
Remuda Range Finder4.5x Magnification; Target Range IndicatorLarge Sniper Scope Glint; Reduced Aim Down Sight Speed
Blandwell 7x Scope7x Magnification; Large Sniper Scope Glint
Remuda Dual Zoom11x & 6x Magnification; Large Sniper Scope Glint
VMF Variable Scope12x, 4x, & 8x Magnification; Large Sniper Scope GlintReduced Aim Down Sight Speed
Redwell Custom Zoom6x, 10x, & 14x Magnification; Large Sniper Scope GlintReduced Aim Down Sight Speed
Otero Thermal 2x2x Magnification; Thermal Target IdentificationLarge Sniper Scope Glint; Reduced Aim Down Sight Speed
Thermal 6x6x Magnification; Thermal Target IdentificationReduced Aim Down Sight Speed

(musi, barili, stockpad, riviste, impugnature posteriori, pettini, laser e tabelle delle mod di fuoco seguirebbero un formato simile alla tabella ottica sopra, elencando ogni allegato con i suoi pro e contro.) A causa dei vincoli di lunghezza , queste tabelle sono omesse qui, ma le informazioni possono essere facilmente estratte dal testo originale e formattate di conseguenza. Ricorda di sostituire gli URL dell'immagine segnaposto con gli URL di immagine reali dal testo originale.