Check a car's status or VIN number for free. Get details on STSI, MTPL, liens, VIN, and mileage. VIN01: Your trusted car-buying assistant! Planning to buy a car? VIN01 provides comprehensive and reliable vehicle information to help you make an informed decision.
Here's what VIN01 offers:
- Year of manufacture and owner history: Discover the car's age and number of previous owners.
- Registration history: Access details about the vehicle's registration and any accident involvement.
- Stolen vehicle and lien checks: Verify the car isn't stolen or subject to outstanding loans.
- Restrictions: Identify any limitations on the vehicle.
- OSAGO policy: Check for a valid OSAGO insurance policy.
- Technical inspection history: Review completed maintenance records.
- Mileage history: Track changes in the car's mileage.
- Recall information: Determine if the car is subject to any recall campaigns.
- Taxi registry check: Verify if the car is registered as a taxi.
All data is provided free of charge! Please review the terms of service before use.
Official website:
Important Note: The VIN01 application is not affiliated with or representative of any government agency. All data is sourced from publicly available information. The application provides information accessible to the public and is not an official government data source.