微軟的第二季度收益電話顯示, 印第安納·瓊斯(Indiana Jones)和《命運》(Distiny) (遊戲的實際標題)吸引了400萬球員。這個積極的結果在原本不明顯的遊戲部報告中脫穎而出。 MachineGames的標題獲得了批評的讚美,眾多獎項,現在擁有大量的球員群。 While precise sales figures remain elusive due to its inclusion in Xbox Game Pass, 4 million players represent a significant achievement, especially considering the initial uncertainty surrounding a modern AAA Indiana Jones game.
We highly praised the game in our review, describing it as an "irresistible and immersive global treasure hunt," and nominating it for Game of the Year and Best Xbox Game. [鏈接到審查]
Further Xbox news includes a 30% increase in Game Pass PC subscriptions last quarter, setting a new quarterly revenue record.雲遊戲播放了1.4億小時。這些因素導致Xbox內容和服務收入增長2%。
總而言之,微軟需要改善其控製台和硬件性能。盡管如此,它在遊戲通行證中的持續投資顯然是帶來回報。 The strong Game Pass PC growth is likely due to several major game releases last quarter, including Indiana Jones and The Dial of Destiny, Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War, and Microsoft Flight Simulator, all available on Game通過第一天的最終訂戶。