首頁 新聞 7月11日,預訂為質量效應三部曲收集乙烯基的現場直播


作者 : Nicholas Mar 01,2025

質量效應粉絲歡喜!現在,預購已為乙烯基上的史詩般的質量效應三部曲原始配樂開放。這個必備品的價格為$ 120.99(在亞馬遜上可用),擁有驚人的85首曲目,涵蓋整個三部曲,並計劃於2025年7月11日 發布。



0 $ 120.99在亞馬遜,唱片顏色仍然是一個謎,它的時尚包裝具有標誌性的N7徽標,有望在任何乙烯基係列中都有驚人的補充。請參閱下麵的更多圖像,以仔細查看。


Uncharted Worlds, Saren, The Citadel, The Presidium, Spectre Induction, Protecting the Colony, The Normandy, Noveria, Breeding Ground, Ilos, Exit, Love Theme, Sovereign’s Theme, Liara’s World, The Thorian, Virmire Ride, Uplink, Infusion, Vigil, Battling Saren, From the Wreckage, Mass Effect Theme, The Attack, The Lazarus Project, Humans Are Disappearing,薩馬拉(Samara),諾曼底重生,米蘭達(Miranda),自由的進步,塔利(Tali),一個不知名的敵人,幻想的人,地平線,加魯斯(Thane),加魯斯(Garrus),莫爾丁(Garrus),莫爾丁(Mordin),傑克(Jack),傑克(Jack),軍團,自殺式任務,自殺使命,新世界,新世界,銀河係,火星,火星,cerberus特工,一個ardat yakshi yeakshi the Reakshi the Reakshi the Reakshi the Reakshi of the Kravave,sur eakshi the Kraver,' Was Lost Without You, I Am Alive and I Am Not Alone, Reaper Chase, Wake Up, Aralakh Company, Betrayal, A Future That Many Will Never See, The Fleets Arrive, An End, Once and for All, Resolution, Resynthesis, Eden Prime, In Pursuit of Saren, The Wards, Victory, Jacob, The Collector Base, Grunt, Defeat, I’m Proud of You, We Face Our Enemy Together, We Fought As a United Galaxy, Overlord,影子經紀人,歐米茄套房,利維坦,與安,城堡Underbelly的交談,結束,告別並進入不可避免的事情,我夢到了壽司,Shepard的Tango,Flux,Claw Game

這並不是唯一獲得乙烯基處理的遊戲經典配樂。原始的Halo Trilogy原聲帶也可以預訂,為擴展您的標誌性遊戲音樂收藏提供了另一個機會。它的發布日期是4月4日。

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