首頁 新聞 如果他有辦法的話,《異塵餘生》新維加斯導演將製作新系列Entry


作者 : Camila Nov 12,2024

Fallout New Vegas Director Would Work on New Series Entry If He Had His Way

Fallout: New Vegas 導演 Josh Sawyer,以及其他幾位 Fallout 開發人員,表達了參與開發新 Fallout 遊戲的興趣,但有一個條件。

Fallout 開發人員表示願意參與開發新系列作品但前提是他們能做出一些新東西

Fallout: New Vegas game director Josh Sawyer has expressed a desire in working on a new Fallout game as long as he's given ample creative liberty. In one episode of his hisA < his YouTube, Sawyer said he would gladly develop another Fallout title, but it would largely depend on what he's allowed to do: "Any project has to do with 'what are we doing, what are the <>limitations , "what am I allowed to do and not allowed to do?'""If those restrictions are just really

constraining then it's not appealing," Sawyer explained further, "becaed furthing were on somefurthing were 筆 f the one thing they want to

investigate is not possible?"Apart from Sawyer, several Fallout developers have also expressed a desire have also expressed

a desire have alsoies . Last year, Fallout co-creators Tim Cain and Leonard Boyarsky said they would happily work on a remaster of Fallout: New Vegas. Speaking in an interview with The Game, Cain🎜> with The Game, Cain saidr. that, while they are keen on working on Fallout, his comeback would also be contingent on the level of creativity he's offered—if he's allowed to do something new."Eever a'new.

"Eever ho've 🎜> provided

me something new and different that got me interested in making it," Cain explained. "It was the game itself that game itself that; me something interesting that made me go 'Ooh, I want to do that, I've never done that.'" He added, "If someone came to me and said, 'You want to make a Fallout game?' My answer is 'Well, what's new?' I didn't even want to make Fallout 2, why would I want to make a new Fallout? What's different about it?"<🎜? >

Obsidian 執行長 Feargus Urquhart 也表示,如果有機會的話,他有興趣開發另一款《輻射》遊戲。不過,厄克特在去年 1 月發表的《GamePressure》訪談中證實,新的《異塵餘生》遊戲並未在醞釀中。 「我們沒有開發《輻射》,我們甚至還沒有討論過它會是什麼,」他說。

厄克特接著解釋說,他們的盤子裡“充滿了公開的、接地氣的和外部世界的” 2.” “我不知道我們什麼時候開始討論新遊戲,也許是在[ 2023] 年底,」他說。「但我會堅持我所說的。我很想在退休前再拍一部《異塵餘生》。我不知道那是什麼時候,我沒有退休日期。這很有趣,你可以說我」我已經 52 歲了,或者只有 52 歲。這是兩者之一,取決於哪一天。我希望這會發生,但我們必須拭目以待。」