Zapay: Your All-in-One Vehicle Management App
Manage all your vehicle-related payments and information effortlessly with Zapay, accredited by DETRANS throughout Brazil! Enjoy convenient payment options, significant discounts, and comprehensive vehicle information all in one app.
Key Features:
Pink Friday Zapay Deal: Take advantage of up to 30% off* to pay your vehicle debts in 12 installments using your credit card. This offer includes IPVA 2024 and 2025 payments, fine alerts, and even insurance sign-up!
Flexible Licensing Payments: Pay your annual licensing fees in up to 12 convenient credit card installments.
Multiple Payment Methods: Choose from credit card (up to 12 installments), boleto (bank slip), or PIX for fast and secure payments. Simply enter your license plate number to access your payment options.
Comprehensive Vehicle Information: Check your IPVA, fines, licensing status, and outstanding debts quickly and easily. Zapay provides real-time updates directly from DETRAN sources across Brazil.
Debt Management: Manage debts for cars, motorcycles, and trucks within the app.
Fine Alerts: Save up to 20% on fines with Zapay's fine alert system. Receive monthly notifications about any outstanding fines and never miss a deadline for the legally guaranteed discount. No Renavam or password needed!
Vehicle Alerts: Stay informed about your vehicle's status, including active debts, licensing calendar, outstanding fines, recalls, and auctions.
Toll Tag & Insurance: Simplify your travels with Zapay's Sem Parar toll tag options, and secure affordable car insurance starting at R$15.90 per month with flexible cancellation options.
Fast & Secure: Pay off all your vehicle debts in under a minute, from the comfort of your home.
In short: Zapay streamlines your vehicle management, saving you time and money. Download the app today and experience the difference!
*Terms and conditions apply. Average rate variation of 4.5% may apply.
Zapay Serviços de Pagamento S.A. CNPJ 28.593.387/0001-56 Brasília, DF, SCN Q4 Asa Norte, 70714-900 Contact us via WhatsApp for any questions.