This terrifying installment in the Slendrina series introduces a new level of fright. Slendrina's child has inherited their mother's malevolence, making navigation of the cellar's labyrinthine corridors even more perilous. Prepare for an encounter with Slendrina's father – if you see him, immediate retreat is crucial!
Your objective is to locate eight key fragments to unlock the cellar's safe, revealing a vital secret you must retrieve. The game also requires finding keys to access specific areas and health injections to replenish your vitality after injuries.
Fans of Slendrina: The Cellar, House of Slendrina, and Slendrina: Asylum will find this latest horror game equally chilling. Thank you for your continued support and positive feedback!
Please note: The game is free but contains ads. Emails should be in English or Swedish. Enjoy (if you dare)!