Petualangan Lampau is an educational game that blends visual novel, adventure, and historical elements, offering a fun and engaging learning experience. Embark on a time-traveling journey with your grandfather, meeting renowned inventors and exploring uncharted territories. Discover their groundbreaking discoveries and even participate in their experiments, making learning interactive and exciting.
Features of Petualangan Lampau:
- Educational Adventure: Petualangan Lampau seamlessly combines visual novel, adventure, and historical elements, providing a unique and enjoyable learning experience.
- Time Travel: Journey through time, exploring uncharted territories and uncovering the secrets of the past. Your grandfather guides you on this exciting adventure.
- Meeting Inventors: Encounter brilliant inventors from different eras, learning about their groundbreaking discoveries and participating in experiments related to their inventions.
- Engaging Storyline: Immerse yourself in a captivating storyline that blends historical facts with fictional elements, creating an immersive and entertaining gameplay experience.
- Character Development: Petualangan Lampau aims to strengthen character education in children. As you play as the protagonist's grandchild, you'll learn valuable lessons and virtues throughout the game.
- Interactive Experience: Engage actively with the storyline, make choices, and contribute to the outcome of the game, making your experience truly interactive.
Petualangan Lampau is an educational adventure game that offers a unique blend of visual novel, adventure, and history genres. With its time travel feature, you can explore uncharted territories and meet inventors from different eras. The engaging storyline and interactive gameplay make it a fun and enjoyable learning experience. By playing this game, you not only learn about historical discoveries but also develop your character through the lessons taught in the game. Click the link below to follow Nawa Studio team on Instagram and embark on this exciting journey of knowledge and adventure.