Home News How to Read the Game of Thrones Books in Chronological Order

How to Read the Game of Thrones Books in Chronological Order

Author : Caleb Mar 21,2025

George R.R. Martin's *A Song of Ice and Fire* has captivated readers for over two decades, solidifying its place as a landmark fantasy saga. Its enduring popularity stems from the bestselling novels and the phenomenal success of HBO's adaptation, further fueled by the recent *House of the Dragon* series. Now, with *House of the Dragon* Season 2 streaming, it's the perfect time to explore Westeros through Martin's original vision.

For those yet to embark on this epic journey, we've compiled a guide to reading the *Game of Thrones* books in chronological order. This guide includes both the main novels and companion works, providing a complete Westerosi experience.

**Jump to:**

  • Game of Thrones Books in Chronological Order
  • Game of Thrones Books by Release Date
  • Upcoming GoT Books
  • How Many Game of Thrones Books Are There?

George R.R. Martin has published five novels in the *A Song of Ice and Fire* saga, with two more—*The Winds of Winter* and *A Dream of Spring*—still in progress. While fans eagerly await Martin's completion, a ChatGPT-generated ending has sparked discussion about the series' ultimate conclusion.

Beyond the main novels, Martin has enriched the *ASoIaF* universe with companion works: three *Dunk & Egg* novellas (collected in *A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms*), three Targaryen-focused novellas (expanded in *Fire & Blood*), and the comprehensive *The World of Ice & Fire*. More details on each below.

Game of Thrones Book Sets

For physical collectors, a complete *Game of Thrones* book set offers a satisfying experience. Various editions exist, but the leather-bound version currently featured in an Amazon sale offers a particularly impressive presentation.

A Song of Ice and Fire Box Set

A Song of Ice and Fire Box Set (Contains the set of 5 books. $85.00, save 46%, $46.00 at Amazon)

How to Read the Game of Thrones Books in Chronological Order

(Note: These brief plot summaries contain only mild spoilers, focusing on broad plot points and character introductions.)

1. Fire & Blood

Fire & Blood: 300 Years Before A Game of Thrones

Fire & Blood (See it at Amazon) chronicles the 300-year Targaryen reign in Westeros, providing the historical context for *House of the Dragon*. Unlike the main novels, it's presented as a historical account by Archmaester Gyldayn, offering a unique perspective on events spanning roughly 150 years (with a second volume anticipated to cover the remaining years).

2. A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms

A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms

A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms (See it at Amazon) collects three novellas featuring Ser Duncan the Tall and Aegon V Targaryen, set approximately 90 years before *A Game of Thrones*. While not essential to the main storyline, these novellas offer engaging side adventures and new perspectives.

3. A Game of Thrones

A Game of Thrones

A Game of Thrones (See it at Amazon) introduces readers to Westeros, its powerful families, and the diverse cast of characters who drive the narrative. The novel sets the stage for the War of the Five Kings, establishing the political intrigue and conflicts that define the series.

4. A Clash of Kings

A Clash of Kings

A Clash of Kings (See it at Amazon) continues the War of the Five Kings, showcasing escalating conflicts across Westeros and Essos.

5. A Storm of Swords

A Storm of Swords

A Storm of Swords (See it at Amazon) largely concludes the War of the Five Kings, while simultaneously setting up new challenges for the surviving characters.

6. A Feast for Crows

A Feast for Crows

A Feast for Crows (See it at Amazon) runs concurrently with *A Dance with Dragons*, focusing on characters in King's Landing, the Iron Islands, and Dorne, as winter approaches.

7. A Dance with Dragons

A Dance with Dragons

A Dance with Dragons (See it at Amazon) reunites readers with characters absent from *A Feast for Crows*, continuing their respective storylines and introducing new conflicts.

Bonus: The World of Ice & Fire

The World of Ice & Fire

The World of Ice & Fire (See it at Amazon) serves as a comprehensive companion book, offering detailed historical information and illustrations that enrich the *ASoIaF* universe.

The Iron Throne

How to Read the Game of Thrones Books by Release Date

*A Game of Thrones* (1996)
*A Clash of Kings* (1999)
*A Storm of Swords* (2000)
*A Feast for Crows* (2005)
*A Dance with Dragons* (2011)
*The World of Ice & Fire* (2014)
*A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms* (2015)
*Fire & Blood* (2018)

Upcoming Game of Thrones Books

A Feast for Crows: The Illustrated Edition (Out November 4, 2025. See it at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Target)
A Feast for Crows: The Illustrated Edition

The Winds of Winter (Martin's next planned novel in the *A Song of Ice and Fire* saga.)
A Dream of Spring (The final planned novel in the *A Song of Ice and Fire* saga.)
Fire & Blood Volume 2
Future Dunk & Egg Novellas

The article then continues with details about the upcoming books, including release dates and plot hints where available, concluding with a call to action to explore other fantasy reading lists and lighting options.