Home News Kingdom Come Deliverance 2: Best Perks to Get First

Kingdom Come Deliverance 2: Best Perks to Get First

Author : Allison Feb 25,2025

Mastering Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2's Character Progression: Essential Perks for Early Game Domination

Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2's expansive open world and customizable Henry offer incredible freedom, but can also feel overwhelming. This guide highlights the most impactful perks to prioritize early on, regardless of your chosen playstyle. While any build is viable, these perks provide significant advantages.

Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 Perks

Disclaimer: Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 allows for diverse character builds, from brute-force knights to charismatic negotiators. The perks below offer general benefits applicable to most approaches.

Main Level Perks:

  • Opportunist: Mitigates reputation loss (10% reduction).
  • Undaunted Cavalier: (Charisma > 20) Effectively increases armor rating by 15 points.
  • Burgher: Provides +1 bonus to Strength, Agility, Vitality, and Speech in towns and villages.
  • Martin’s Heritage: 10% experience bonus for Sword Fighting, Crafting, and Survival.
  • Radzig’s Heritage: 10% experience bonus for Heavy Weapon, Shooting, and Scholarship.
  • Good Natural: +2 to Persuasion, Impression, and Presence, facilitating easier dialogue successes.
  • Blood of Siegfried: Permanently increases armor rating by 10 points.
  • Heroic Vigour: Each Vitality level grants an additional Stamina point (retroactive).
  • Charming Man: Amplifies reputation gains (10% increase).

Prioritize Opportunist and Charming Man early to maintain a stable reputation. Choose between Martin's and Radzig's Heritage based on your preferred skill specialization.

Strength Perks:

  • Hard-Working Lad: Halves the weight of sacks and carried bodies, increasing carrying capacity by 8 pounds.
  • Pack Mule: Increases carrying capacity by 12 pounds.
  • Strong as a Bull: Increases carrying capacity by 20 pounds.
  • Heracles: Grants +1 Charisma for every 5 Strength levels.

Focus on carrying capacity perks (Hard-Working Lad, Pack Mule, Strong as a Bull) for efficient looting and transport. Heracles benefits even stealth builds.

Agility Perks:

  • Creeping Phantom: 15% faster movement while sneaking.
  • Finesse: +5% slashing damage.
  • Viper: +5% piercing damage.

Agility perks are crucial. Creeping Phantom dramatically improves stealth, while Finesse and Viper enhance weapon damage based on your preferred weapon type.

Vitality Perks:

  • Ascetic: Slows Nourishment depletion by 30%.
  • Well-Dressed: Slows dirt accumulation by 20%, simplifying clothing maintenance.
  • Marathon Runner: Reduces Stamina consumption during sprinting by 20%.
  • Diehard: Prevents death from fatal wounds, restoring 25% health (with cooldown).

These perks improve quality of life, reducing the frequency of mundane tasks like eating and cleaning.

Speech Perks:

  • Hustler: Facilitates selling stolen goods, providing Stealth and Thievery experience.
  • Jack of All Trades: +2 to skill checks, doubling experience gained from them.
  • Partner in Crime: Allows selling stolen goods undetected.

Speech perks offer powerful synergy. Hustler and Jack of All Trades are particularly valuable, streamlining both thievery and dialogue-based interactions.

These perks significantly enhance gameplay in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2. Consult additional resources like The Escapist for further game tips.