In Infinity Nikki, Socko is a rare crafting material primarily found in Florawish and Breezy Meadow. Despite its name suggesting a sock, it's actually an insect, typically found under Woolfruit Trees on sunny days. Its rarity means limited daily collection opportunities. To ensure a steady supply, players should make collecting Socko a daily routine.
All Socko Locations in Infinity Nikki
Seven Socko locations exist, and these elusive insects flee at the approach of players. Approach stealthily, capturing them when the net icon appears pink above the Socko.
Socko Location #1
Starting at the Stylist's Guild Front Gate Warp Spire, travel southeast to the grassy area. Find Socko on a rock beneath a Woolfruit Tree.
Socko Location #2
From location #1, head east across the river to a small house with flower bushes. Socko is near the house, under a tree.
Socko Location #3
Warp to "In Front of the Mayor’s Residence" and go north behind the house. Socko is on a rock under a Woolfruit Tree.
Socko Location #4
Fast travel to the Bug Catcher’s Cabin Warp Spire and head northeast into the forest.
Socko Location #5
Continue southeast deeper into the forest, near the Swan Gazebo. Socko is on a rock overlooking the water.
Socko Location #6
Warp to Meadow Wharf Spire (near the Whimcycle shop). Go southeast to find Socko near a Challenge spot.
Socko Location #7
East of location #6, near the cliff and the horses, you'll find Socko on a rock.
Renting a bike speeds up travel to the final two locations.
The in-game map's Socko tracker shows the general area. Once all available Socko are collected, the tracker indicates no more are present. However, Socko respawns daily at 4:00 AM.