This guide details how to locate all four Energy Crystals in the Fisch Roblox experience, crucial for accessing the Heaven's Rod. The Northern Expedition update introduced this challenging mountain location with substantial rewards.
Quick Links
- What Are Energy Crystals in Fisch?
- Blue Energy Crystal Location
- Green Energy Crystal Location
- Yellow Energy Crystal Location
- Red Energy Crystal Location
What Are Energy Crystals in Fisch?
Energy Crystals are quest items vital for solving the Glacial Grotto puzzle atop the mountain. Solving this puzzle unlocks the Heaven's Rod storage location, a top-tier in-game tool. Four crystals are required to complete the puzzle.
Blue Energy Crystal Location
The Blue Crystal is the easiest to acquire. It's located near the mountain base. Ascend the mountain's left side from the Northern Summit's starting point to the campsite. A small cave containing the crystal, encased in ice, is there. A Pickaxe (purchased at the next campsite) is needed to retrieve it. Coordinates: (X: 20216, Y: 211, Z: 5443)
Green Energy Crystal Location
The Green Crystal's acquisition is less intuitive. Proceed to the second campsite to purchase a Pickaxe. A large cave with a pond lies to its right. Interact with the "???" NPC within this cave to obtain the crystal. NPC coordinates: (X: 19871, Y: 447, Z: 5552)
Yellow Energy Crystal Location
The Yellow Crystal is the most challenging to obtain, appearing only during the random Avalanche event (summonable with the Totem, purchased for 150,000 C$). Locate the appropriate ledge between the second and third campsites when the event is active. Coordinates: (X: 19501, Y: 335, Z: 5549)
Red Energy Crystal Location
The Red Crystal is obtainable only after acquiring the others. An NPC near the mountaintop's large crystals will request you activate red buttons on five islands: Moosewood Island, Snowcap Island, Forsaken Shores, Roslit Bay, and Ancient Isle. After activating all five, return to the NPC. You can then either purchase the crystal for 250,000 C$ or attempt to steal it (not recommended due to negative consequences).
Finally, insert all four crystals into the large crystals to access Heaven's Rod. Note that accessing Heaven's Rod costs 1,750,000 C$.