This guide details how to obtain the Robot Hero furniture item in Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp. This rare item is a Special Request, obtained through befriending and leveling up the squirrel villager, Static.
Unlocking Static:
Static becomes available as a potential camper between levels 20 and 29. You receive two new villagers per level, so obtaining Static isn't guaranteed and may require some leveling. Before inviting him, you must raise his friendship level to 5 by crafting the following furniture:
Item | Bells | Materials | Craft Time |
Modern End Table | 720 | x30 Steel | 3 hours |
Modern Chair | 1390 | x30 Steel | 2 hours |
Modern Bed | 1410 | x15 Cotton, x15 Wood | 2 hours |
Metal Guitar | 1800 | x60 Steel, x3 Cool Essence | 9 hours |
Silver Mic | 2230 | x60 Steel, x3 Cool Essence | 9 hours |
Leveling Up Static Quickly:
To quickly level Static to 15 (required for the Special Request), prioritize "cool" themed snacks. Options include:
- Plain Chocolate Bar
- Tasty Chocolate Bars
- Gourmet Chocolate Bars
Gold Treats are also highly effective. Engage in conversations with Static, selecting red dialogue options for bonus friendship points. These options include "Tell me a story!", "Change outfit!", "Have a snack!", and "Need some help?"/"You can always talk to me!". For the latter, offering high-value items maximizes points and rewards.
Crafting the Robot Hero:
Once Static reaches level 15, he'll offer the Robot Hero blueprint. Crafting requires:
- 10230 Bells
- x2 Sparkle Stones
- x4 Cool Essence
- x150 Steel
The craft time is 15 hours.
Utilizing the Robot Hero:
The Robot Hero (a 6x6 item) is a "Recommended Furniture" item for the following Happy Homeroom classes:
- Kids' Play Room
- Gaming Expo Booth
Even if you don't plan to display it, crafting the Robot Hero is essential to complete Static's Special Request.