Aksesori Jujutsu Infinite: Panduan Komprehensif
Peralatan watak adalah penting untuk membina kekuatan di Jujutsu tak terhingga. Setiap item meningkatkan statistik dan mungkin mempunyai kebolehan yang unik. Panduan ini memperincikan semua aksesori dan bagaimana untuk mendapatkannya. Anda akan memperoleh gear dari awal, tetapi hanya item kepala dan tangan diklasifikasikan sebagai aksesori dengan kebolehan khas; Memperolehi yang terbaik memerlukan usaha yang signifikan.
cara mendapatkan aksesori
Seperti item lain, kebanyakan aksesori adalah titisan dada. Walau bagaimanapun, tidak semua dada adalah sama. Aksesori yang jarang ditemui dalam penyiasatan atau dada bos yang terletak di kawasan tertentu.
Sebagai alternatif, aksesori kraf menggunakan menu kerajinan dalam permainan. Ini memerlukan sumber yang besar, biasanya diperoleh daripada siasatan dan serbuan bos.
Lengkap Jujutsu Senarai Aksesori Infinite
Jadual berikut menyenaraikan semua aksesori Jujutsu tak terhingga, dikategorikan oleh kepala dan gear tangan, bersama dengan kaedah pengambilalihan dan bonus stat.
Accessory | Stats | Acquisition Method |
Bandana | Health: +6, Strength: +0, Technique: +0 | Common drop |
Eyes of Insight | Health: +0, Strength: +0, Technique: +100, Ability: Pact of Insight | Special Grade drop from Detention Center Investigation Chests; craftable (200 keys) |
Eyepatch | Health: +35.8, Strength: +0, Technique: +0, Ability: Boss Hunter | Rare chest drop |
Gaze of Rage | Health: +80, Strength: +20, Technique: +0 | Special Grade chest drop |
Soul Face Stitches | Health: +0, Strength: +0, Technique: +57.2, Ability: Kokusen | Legendary chest drop (Soul Curse raid); craftable (50 Transfigured Humans) |
Gaze of Power | Health: +80, Strength: +20, Technique: +0 | Special Grade chest drop |
Rotten Chains | Health: +47.7, Strength: +47.7, Technique: +0, Ability: Living on the Edge | Special Grade chest drop (Finger Bearer raid); craftable (100 Cursed Fragments) |
Perception Blocking Mask | Health: +71.5, Strength: +0, Technique: +0, Ability: Perception Block | Legendary chest drop (Detention Center Investigation); craftable (100 Detention Center keys) |
Eyes of Willpower | Health: +0, Strength: +0, Technique: +100, Ability: True Sight | Special Grade chest drop (Eerie Farm Investigation); craftable (200 Eerie Farm keys) |
Eyes of Bloodthirst | Health: +0, Strength: +100, Technique: +0, Ability: Curse of the Bloodthirsty | Special Grade chest drop (Eerie Farm Investigation Chests); craftable (200 Eerie Farm keys) |
Jade Neck Beads | Health: +80, Strength: +20, Technique: +0 | Special Grade chest drop |
Ninja Headband | Health: +37.5, Strength: +16.1, Technique: +0, Ability: Ninja | Legendary chest drop |
Blessed Scarf | Health: +0, Strength: +29.8, Technique: +29.8, Ability: Kokusen | Legendary chest drop (Yasohachi Bridge Investigation); craftable (100 Yasohachi Bridge keys) |
Headphones | Health: +57.2, Strength: +0, Technique: +0, Ability: Exorcist | Legendary chest drop (Cursed School Investigation); craftable (100 Tokyo Subway keys) |
Baseball Cap | Health: +35.8, Strength: +0, Technique: +0, Ability: Resistant | Rare chest drop |
Blue Jade Neck Beads | Health: +80, Strength: +20, Technique: +0 | Special Grade chest drop |
Resonating Eyepatch | Health: +0, Strength: +0, Technique: +38.4 | Legendary chest drop (Yasohachi Bridge Investigation); craftable (100 Yasohachi Bridge keys) |