王国のサイコロの芸術をマスターしてください:derverance 2 とすぐにグロスシェンを蓄積してください!このガイドは、ゲームを見つけることから強力なバッジの利用、さらには有利なためにロードされたサイコロを採用することまで、すべてをカバーしています。
- サイコロゲームを見つける場所
- スコアリングの組み合わせと戦略
- バッジ:包括的なリスト
- ロードされたサイコロ:詐欺師の利点
目的は、対戦相手の前にターゲットスコアに到達することです。 6個のサイコロから始めて、ターンごとに何度も希望する数回再ロールできます。ただし、スコアリングの組み合わせが順番に終了するロールは、そのラウンドの蓄積されたすべてのポイントを没収します。各ロールでダイを失うと、挑戦が増え、いつローリングを停止するかについて戦略的な意思決定を要求します。
Combination | Points |
One | 100 |
Five | 50 |
1, 2, 3, 4, 5 | 500 |
2, 3, 4, 5, 6 | 750 |
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 | 1,500 |
Three 1s | 1,000 |
Three 2s | 200 |
Three 3s | 300 |
Three 4s | 400 |
Three 5s | 500 |
Three 6s | 600 |
Badge | Effect |
Tin Doppelganger’s Badge | Doubles points of your last throw (once per game). |
Tin Badge of Headstart | Small point bonus at the start. |
Tin Badge of Defence | Negates opponent's Tin badges. |
Tin Badge of Fortune | Re-roll one die (once per game). |
Tin Badge of Might | Add one extra die (once per game). |
Tin Badge of Transmutation | Change one die to a 3 (once per game). |
Carpenter’s Badge of Advantage | 3+5 becomes "Cut" (repeatable). |
Tin Warlord’s Badge | 25% more points this turn (once per game). |
Tin Badge of Resurrection | Re-roll after an unlucky throw (once per game). |
Silver Doppelganger’s Badge | Doubles points of your last throw (twice per game). |
Silver Badge of Headstart | Moderate point bonus at the start. |
Silver Badge of Defence | Negates opponent's Silver badges. |
Silver Swap-Out Badge | Re-roll one die (once per game). |
Silver Badge of Fortune | Re-roll up to two dice (once per game). |
Silver Badge of Might | Add one extra die (twice per game). |
Silver Badge of Transmutation | Change one die to a 5 (once per game). |
Executioner’s Badge of Advantage | 4+5+6 becomes "Gallows" (repeatable). |
Silver Warlord’s Badge | 50% more points this turn (once per game). |
Silver Badge of Resurrection | Re-roll after an unlucky throw (twice per game). |
Silver King’s Badge | Add one extra die (twice per game). |
Gold Doppelganger Badge | Doubles points of your last throw (thrice per game). |
Gold Badge of Headstart | Large point bonus at the start. |
Gold Badge of Defence | Negates opponent's Gold badges. |
Gold Swap-Out Badge | Re-roll two dice of the same value (once per game). |
Gold Badge of Fortune | Re-roll up to three dice (once per game). |
Gold Badge of Might | Add one extra die (thrice per game). |
Gold Badge of Transmutation | Change one die to a 1 (once per game). |
Priest’s Badge of Advantage | 1+3+5 becomes "Eye" (repeatable). |
Gold Warlord’s Badge | Double points this turn (once per game). |
Gold Badge of Resurrection | Re-roll after an unlucky throw (thrice per game). |
Gold Emperor’s Badge | Triples points for three 1s (repeatable). |
Gold Wedding Badge | Re-roll up to three dice (once per game). |
この包括的なガイドは、 Kingdom Come:Deliverance 2 のサイコロテーブルを征服することができます。追加のゲームのヒントと戦略については、逃亡者に相談してください。