Embark on an epic arcade adventure with Fluffy Duck! A treacherous dragon has attacked Duck City, holding its citizens hostage and demanding a ransom. Will Fluffy Duck surrender, or bravely face the fearsome beast in an unequal battle?
This full version of the game features all levels, no ads, and thrilling challenges. Join Fluffy Duck on a perilous journey, dodging bombs, rocks, vampire bats, and dangerous sea creatures. Gather gifts, coins, and gems (remember, gems are the dragon's weakness!) to upgrade your arsenal. Use your coins to purchase new skins, helpful items, and powerful artifacts to aid you in battle against the dragon and his accomplices.
Explore stunning levels with captivating visuals and weather effects. Dive into underwater realms and scale icy snow-capped mountains. Uncover the mysteries of the dragon's lair and overcome its dangers. The fate of Duck City rests in your hands! Can good triumph over evil? Can you save the ducks?