Experience the official FIDE-recognized online chess platform: FIDE Online Arena! Available now on the Google Play Store, FIDE Online Arena lets you play chess globally, free of charge. Earn official FIDE online titles and ratings, whether you're playing casually with friends, honing your skills against the AI, or competing in ranked bullet, blitz, and rapid games using your FIDE ID. Reach rating milestones to unlock prestigious titles like Arena FIDE Master and Arena Grandmaster.
Every game counts. Begin your professional chess journey today!
Casual Play:
- Challenge friends – share your personal link and play.
- Enjoy quick games to boost your World Chess training rating.
- Sharpen your skills by practicing against the AI at various difficulty levels.
Competitive Play:
- Upgrade to a Pro subscription to obtain your FIDE ID.
- Compete in bullet, blitz, and rapid games for official FIDE Online Arena ratings.
- Connect with a vibrant community of players, including titled players, International Masters, and Grandmasters.
**Earn Your