Tired of struggling with real-world color mixing? ColorMixer is the revolutionary app that simplifies the process, eliminating guesswork and frustration. Effortlessly mix colors to achieve your perfect shade, or reverse-engineer a color to discover its precise components and mixing ratios.
Our intuitive "Mix" mode lets you experiment with countless color combinations, while "Unmix" mode provides precise mixing solutions for any color you select. Need to transform one color into another? Our "Convert" feature makes it easy. Access a vast library of colors from leading brands like Winsor & Newton, Tamiya, Gunze, and RAL, or use our comprehensive color picker to select colors from various libraries, color codes, images, or even your live camera feed.
ColorMixer is your ultimate color mixing solution, but remember: our mixing ratio calculations are based on light absorption theory under ideal conditions. Actual paint properties and lighting can influence results. Therefore, consider our suggestions as guidelines, not guarantees. For optimal results, use fully opaque paints.
What's New in Version 2.9.2
Last updated April 26, 2023
This update includes import/export data functionality, localized color names, and various bug fixes.