Embark on a family-friendly island adventure! Arya awakens on a mysterious island, facing the challenges of the jungle and sea. Teaming up with Kyle, a teenager equipped with a visor, she begins her journey of exploration and survival. But this island holds many secrets... flickering lights, shimmering portals, and massive stone slabs etched with enigmatic symbols await!
Adventure Isles is a family-friendly farming and adventure simulation game. Explore the island, uncover its secrets, manage your farm, and upgrade buildings. Collaborate with friends and begin a new adventure!
- Cultivate your island farm, harvesting crops and tending to animals.
- Construct various workshops to process your harvests and meet the islanders' needs.
- Unravel the island's mysteries by completing intriguing quests.
- Adventure with your companions, exploring the island's landscape and seeking hidden treasures.
- Discover new maps and journey to every corner of Adventure Isles!
Contact: [email protected]
What's New in Version 1.36.95 (Last updated December 20, 2024)
- Bug fixes