Home Apps News & Magazines استخاره با قرآن
استخاره با قرآن

استخاره با قرآن

Category : News & Magazines Size : 12.50M Version : 9 Developer : pardisrayaneh Package Name : com.estekhareh.com Update : Jan 04,2025
Application Description

Discover Peace of Mind and Clarity with the استخاره با قرآن App

Embrace tranquility and clarity with the innovative استخاره با قرآن app, seamlessly blending Islamic teachings with modern technology. Through the practice of Istikhara with the Quran, you can seek divine guidance when faced with significant decisions.

Features of استخاره با قرآن:

  • Holistic Guidance: Experience a unique approach to guidance by combining the power of prayer with the wisdom of the Quran.
  • Authenticity: Trust in the guidance provided by the app, rooted in the teachings of the Holy Quran and the insights of esteemed scholars.
  • User-Friendly Interface: Navigate the app effortlessly, making the process of seeking Istikhara simple and efficient.
  • Personalized Experience: Tailor your Istikhara prayers to your specific needs and circumstances, ensuring a meaningful and personalized experience.


  • How does the app work?

    • The app guides you through the Istikhara process, providing prayers and Quranic verses to assist in decision-making.
  • Is the app suitable for all situations?

    • The app offers guidance for a wide range of decisions, from personal matters to professional choices, providing support in all circumstances.
  • Can the app guarantee a specific outcome?

    • The app aims to provide guidance and clarity; however, the ultimate outcome of any decision rests with Allah.


Find solace in divine guidance and the teachings of the Holy Quran with the استخاره با قرآن app, a powerful tool for seeking Istikhara and making important decisions. Its holistic approach, authenticity, user-friendly interface, and personalized experience offer a unique and meaningful path to guidance and peace of mind in all aspects of life. Download the app today and embark on a journey of spiritual enlightenment and clarity.

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